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SPOT OUR GLASS: Merry Hill Shopping Centre

We love spotting our glass in unexpected places, and need you to get involved! Next time you see our glass out in the world, snap a photo and let us know. Let’s see where Fire Glass UK pops up next!

Our glass has been spotted once again – this time at the Merry Hill Shopping Centre near Dudley! While visiting, our Marketing Manager noticed Pyroguard 7.2 (now named Pyroguard EW30-7) glass being used in temporary fire doors for a large sparkly department store. The glass was installed within a fire door, providing a crucial safety barrier between the shopfront and the mall.

Pyroguard EW30-7 fire-rated glass is designed to offer reliable fire protection while maintaining visibility and light transmission, making it the perfect choice for busy retail environments. Seeing it being used at a major shopping destination reinforces why businesses trust Fire Glass UK for their fire safety solutions.

From shopping centres to stadiumshospitals, and more – wherever safety matters, our glass delivers.
Our calendar promotion for March gives details on how you can join in: https://www.fireglassuk.com/march/

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