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Employee surveys are a vital tool for understanding the pulse of an organisation. They provide valuable insights into employee satisfaction, engagement, and areas needing improvement. Recognising the importance of participation and honest feedback, Fire Glass recently rewarded the Head Office and the Scotland Branch for achieving 100% completion in the employee survey with engaging events tailored to foster camaraderie and team spirit.

Scotland Team Takes Aim at Dart Tournament:
In Scotland, the Fire Glass team embarked on a spirited night of darts at The Flight Club, a renowned venue for dart tournaments. The event was a resounding success, describing it as one of the best work-related activities they had experienced. The competitive atmosphere was palpable, and everyone had a blast.

John Matear emerged as the evening champion, showcasing impressive dart skills. However, not everyone hit the bullseye, as Chris McComiskey humorously received the “wooden spoon,” an acknowledgement of his less-than-stellar performance. Despite this, Chris won’t be quitting his day job any time soon! .

Head Office Swings into Mini Golf Excitement:
Meanwhile, at the Head Office, the team embarked on a competitive mini-golf day at Golf Fang in Birmingham. The course provided a perfect backdrop for challenging rounds of mini-golf, with each hole presenting a new obstacle to conquer.

Becky Stevens emerged as the ultimate victor, showcasing her mini-golf prowess. Alongside Becky, Martin Davies and Richard Carter also put in commendable performances. The team enjoyed the competitive aspect and the opportunity to unwind with great cocktails served right on the course. However, the correlation between the number of cocktails and the rise in hole scores was unmistakable! Despite this, everyone left the event feeling closer and part of the Fire Glass family.

Celebrating Success and Strengthening Bonds:
These events were a well-deserved reward for the teams’ commitment to the employee survey. Achieving a 100% completion rate is no small feat, and Fire Glass recognised the dedication of its employees by organising events that allowed them to relax, have fun, and build stronger connections with their colleagues.

By combining a competitive spirit with leisurely activities, Fire Glass demonstrated its commitment to nurturing a positive work culture where employees feel valued and connected. These events not only provided a break from the routine but also served as a reminder of the importance of teamwork and collaboration within the organisation.

As Fire Glass continues to grow and evolve, such initiatives will undoubtedly play a crucial role in maintaining high morale and fostering a sense of belonging among its employees. After all, a happy and engaged team is the cornerstone of any successful organisation.

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